Craig Hill Five Wealth Secrets Pdf
Search and Free download a billion Ebook PDF files. Aajonus Vonderplanitz The Recipe For Living Without Disease Pdf 9 Sinf Adabiot The Night Parade Of One Hundred Demons Pdf 很久很久以前 汉修先生 Under A White Sky R.b. Tripathi Chapter 7 Class 11 Maths Crick Fhc (1970) Central Dogma Of Molecular Biology. Nature 227: 561–563. Jan 18, 2013 In this book (Five Wealth Secrets by Craig Hill), we will endeavor to keep a balance between 'spirit and truth,' for therein lies wisdom. Jesus told us in John 4:23 On the other hand, we also understand that God designed us to be in relationship with Him, and to expect to experience supernatural miracles in our lives. Craig Hill Five Wealth Secrets Free Pdf Jet Jpt 310 Planer Thicknesser Manual REPACK Vat Return Software Excel Silverback Gorilla Wallpaper Posted By Christopher Tremblay PORTABLE Ample Sound Abj 2 Keygen 27 Annie's Vacation, DSC03911 @iMGSRC.RU Esser Tools 8000 20 anderzebad. Wealth and Money. Deuteronomy 8:18 say, “And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth”. It’s important to understand that wealth is not money. Money was created by people to make the exchange of real wealth more convenient. It’s the things that God created that make up the real wealth of.
Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don’t Know – Book Summary
Craig Hill the author of Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don’t Know discovered that 4% value; knowledge and wisdom above;
- Wealth,
- Position, or
- Power.
The wise man Solomon in the book of 2 Chronicles 1:7-12 he chooses wisdom and knowledge over power, honor, wealth, and position. That is what the 4% do, while the remaining 96% pursue wealth, power, or position.
Those in 4% category are trusted with wealth because they chose wisdom and honor. If all the wealth is given to the 96% it will finally land in the hand of the 4% in few years. Because they are thinkers who value wisdom and honor than power and position. This is why someone can win a lottery and be broke in a few years. They lack the knowledge, honor, and wisdom that it takes to retain wealth.
The majority thinks business fail due to lack of capital. In the Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don’t Know, the author disagrees, on the contrary, he believes that business fails due to lack of character and wisdom.
God will trust people with resource only those who have the character and the wisdom to expand and retain wealth. Therefore instead of pursuing money pursue character and wisdom, and money will follow you. Just like we see in the Bible that Solomon asked for wisdom, and today he is still the richest person on earth. The richest we know are far from reaching what Solomon had.
To move forward in your business and life you need wisdom, character, and not more money.
Extremity Grace
Avoid the common mistake that many Christian do. Many Christians think because of the grace of Jesus Christ they don’t have to practice wisdom that teaches financial freedom in the Old Testament. Grace will never cancel the principles in the Bible. In Proverbs 22:7 we are informed that the borrower is a slave to the lender, grace will not cancel that. We must move from quoting the scripture to doing it.
Five Wealth Secrets 96% of Us Don’t Know;
1.The 4% separate their money into several distinct categories of use.
The author advises readers to get jars and label them and put money according to the purpose of use e.g. savings, investing…this is the secret of the 4%.
The 96% focus on what they earn, while the 4% focus on how they use what they earn. This is what they set them apart.
The 4% focus on building their cash flow while 96% focus on spending what they earn. Being poor to them is defined by how much one earns. The 4% believe being rich is defined by how one is limiting their spending habit, and choosing to invest where the money can be multiplied.
96% spend more than 100% of what they earn. The 4% no matter what they earn they spend less than they earn. 4% invest the difference in a place where the money can multiply.
The 4% and 96% they might be earning the same. The only difference is that 4% spend wisely, they save a certain percentage in jars and spend what is left. 4% don’t give a hoot what you say about them. To them, financial Independence is more important than someone else opinion.
The 4% they are tithers. They give to God what belongs to Him for purpose of kingdom expansion. So in your jar, you can label one tithe, offering, saving, investment, spending. Although, God doesn’t hate non-tither but non-tither do disqualify themselves from being trusted with more. The Bible says in Luke 16:12 that you’ve to manage what belongs to someone else.
“The first secret is to limit your spending by allocating percentages of your money into various jars that are designated for various purposes, and not moving the money from one jar to another.
2. 4% focus their life on fulfilling a calling and vision.
The 4% focus on the vision, the 96% focus on the provision. 4% are aware that money follows the vision. To succeed you need to follow your vision and provision will come to your aid. Lack of vision and ignorance are the greatest hindrance to success. That is why Proverb 29:18 says that where there is no vision people perish. It didn’t say where there is no money people perish.
Provision is made up of two words, “pro” and “vision,” Pro means ‘for’ or ‘in favor of’. Vision means the ability to see the end goal Provision, therefore, means that which comes for the vision. Vision must precede provision. No vision, no provision. That is why where there is no vision people perish, reason being, provision comes to support the vision.
Craig Hill Five Wealth Secrets Pdf Free
The 96% prepare their children for occupation and earn a living. Authors point that occupation is that which occupies your time till you die, and the purpose for a ‘living’ is simply to live. Life is more than that, life is about purpose.
New Wealth Secrets
The 96% work for money, fulfilling someone else’s vision, while 4% work for vision and make money work for them. Money is the master of the 96%, they work for money (master). The 4% have made money their servant hence money works for them.