Bullworker X5 Exercise Chart
- Exercise Chart Free
- How To Exercise With Bullworker
- Exercise Chart For Burning Calories
- Bullworker X5 Exercise Chart
- Free Bullworker X5 Exercise Chart
- Bullworker X5 Workout Chart. The two handles and position the Bullworker at chest height. Take a deep breath and push inwards with both hands, while counting slowly out loud from 1 to 10. This exercise accentuates the muscles which sheathe your front and side stomach. Sit on the floor with one handle of the Bullworker nestled between your ankles.
- ID 7518921 Original Bullworker Exercise Manual Original Bullworker Exercise Manual instructions guide, service manual guide and maintenance manual guide on your products. Before by using this manual, service or maintenance guide you need to know detail regarding your products cause this manual for expert only. Produce your own.
There are many exercise machines out there that can help you in gaining strength, losing weight, gaining muscles, but most of the exercise machines are heavy, big, costly, and too complicated to use.
And that is where you need a compact exercise machine and there Bullworker comes, it is a compact, cheap, easy to use, easy to exercise machine, etc. So, to know the Bullworker more, we are here with a detailed Bullworker Review.
What I Discovered Was A Way To Exercise With The Bullworker That Increased It’s Results By Over 300% Finally at an old bookstore I found both of the manuals. (The older manual for the Bullworker models 2,3 and for the newer X5 model.) and I also found a copy of something even more important!
Bullworker is isometric exercise equipment, and it works as they mentioned in their product details, and it is for those who want compact and portable exercise equipment that they can use to do a quick training. It is very easy to use, and comes with great features. You can perform different exercises with this one. Overall, this is a good, well built, quick workout piece of equipment. And it is not for everyone.
Bullworker has two models to choose from, and the difference between them is the size, one comes with 20 inches of size and the other comes in 36 inches of size.
The pricing of both Bullworker 20″ Steel Bow and Bullworker 36″ Steel Bow is the same. Both the machine perform exactly the same.
Bullworker is an isometric exerciser, if you don’t know what is this, then chill, we are here for your help. You will get all the information regarding this machine in our detailed Bullworker Steel Bow Review.
Bullworker Review
Before starting our Bullworker Review we need to know about the company first, because it is not so popular.
Company is creating the Bullworker machines from the 1960s, and from that time the company made a lot of changes in the product to make it better than the previous one, and they have successfully sold more than 10 million Bullworker steel bow machines worldwide and still counting.
At the beginning of their times, they sell their products only on their lands, but after the rise of the internet they started to ship their products worldwide, and they are still selling this till this date and they have made a lot of loyal and happy customers worldwide.
Bullworker Steel Bow is an isometric exerciser, which means it doesn’t use the traditional method to build muscle, like rowing with dumbbells and lifting heavy weights and then train muscles with those heavyweights.
It uses time and resistance to create tension on the muscles and then you will see the results which are far better than lifting weights.
And we are not saying this to sell this, it is proven in many types of research that isometric exercises are better and effective in building muscles.
Why Bullworker is Better?
As we already told you the Bullworker Steel bow is an isometric exerciser. In layman’s language, you have to stretch the Bullworker Steel bow and hold the position for seven seconds, and then release the tension, it will create tension on your muscle fibers.
That will then help you in building and gaining muscle mass. Isometric exercises are of three types, push, pull and hold, and you can do all with the Bullworker Steel Bow.
Exercise Chart Free
If you want to know more about Isometric Exercises then you can read this Wikipedia article, which explains all the things about this method in detail. The design of the Bullworker Steel Bow is designed by a German Inventor and it is patented in his name, and the name of the inventor is Gert F. Kölbel.
I am not sure about this machine, but when I was a child I saw a similar kind of machine in my Dad’s storeroom, at that time I don’t know about this machine, and I even didn’t know how to use this, and then I started to do some research at that time, and from the internet, I learned how to use this.
How To Exercise With Bullworker
At that time, I don’t know the science and mechanism used behind this machine, but I used that many times in my childhood.
This is a very old way of building muscles and gaining strength because at that time people don’t have much time to go to the gyms and train their muscles, so people prefer to purchase this instead of going to GYMs. And it is very efficient than traditional gym machines.
Now let’s talk about facts, according to research conducted by two german scientists Dr. Erich Albert Müller and Dr. Theodor Hettinger, they found that isometric exercises can help you in gaining 60% more muscle mass than traditional gym machines like dumbells, weights, etc.
And in another test conducted by Professor James A. Baley with some college students of the University of Connecticut.
They found that students are improving three times faster than the rest of the students who are using traditional training machines, they found that isometric exercises can help the user in improving endurance, agility, coordination, and strength.
The students are using the isometric exerciser only for seven seconds to train each muscle group. And if you want to read more about this research then you can read this as well.
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In the features section, we are going to talk about the features of both the models that are currently selling on Amazon, the first one is Bullworker 20″ Steel Bow and the second one is Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic.
Both models are quite similar but they have some benefits over the other, but the pricing of both models is the same, you can buy any one of them.
Now you know about the science behind the Isometric exercises then you don’t have to worry about why the Bullworker is better than the traditional gym machines.
And why do you need to prefer the Bullworker over other machines?
- You can train every type of muscle with the Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic like chest, abs, biceps, triceps, back, shoulder, legs, etc. All you need is to take 20 minutes of time from your busy life and train using the Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic.
- The size of the Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic is more portable as it is shorter in length, you can pack this up and put it into the bag and can store it anywhere, in cupboards, under the bed, anywhere you want, it can easily fit at any place.
- The design and body of the Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic is well built and is durable and can last long for many years as my DAD’s does. LOL
- Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic comes with a separate detailed exercise guide that can help you in understanding how the machine works and how you can use it if you are new to this machine.
- Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic comes with three resistance springs (0-32 lbs, 0-80 lbs and 0-130 lbs of resistance) that you can use according to your strength and how intense you want to make your workout. That makes it perfect for everyone, now anyone in your house can use the Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic to train their muscles.
- Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic is affordable, anyone can buy this, they are not charging too much for what they offer. That makes it a perfect all in one machine for everyone.
- Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic comes with 90 days of money-back guarantee and 5 years of company warranty, that makes it a perfect buy as if you will face any problem with the machine you can get a replaced new product. And if you don’t like the Bullworker 20″ Steel Bow at all you will get all your money back without any questions asked.
- Great Reviews and Ratings, has 262 ratings with 4.1 stars on its amazon page, and by that, you can understand how much its users are liking the product and how great it is.
- Bullworker 20″ Steel Bow saves a lot of time. Do your workout at your place, because of the design of the Bullworker 20″ Steel Bow, you can now do all your workout at your home or any place, you don’t need any kind of GYM membership or long hours to workout, you don’t have to face any kind of traffic while traveling to your GYM. You can even try their 90-day transformation challenge, they provide the details of this challenge on their site, you can read from here.
- All of the features of the Bullworker 20″ Steel Bow is same as the Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic, the only difference between the two is that you can do a little bit more exercises with the Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic as it has a longer body and it can help you in doing deadlifts and legs training. Otherwise, everything is the same, both come with the same accessories and the same warranty and same pricing as well.
Bullworker Exercises
You can do a lot of types of exercises with the Bullwork machines, it can help you to do a full-body workout at your place, as we already mentioned in our features section, that Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic offers more exercises as it is a little long in length.
You can perform the leg exercises better with the Bullworker 36″ Bow Classic then the 20” model.
You can easily find detailed articles about the Bullworker Exercises from their official site or YouTube channel, or you can read articles from here as well. We will also add some of the videos in our article as well.
Before starting the exercise you have to do some light stretching so that your muscles and ligaments become ready for the workout. You can do all types of exercise with the Bullworker machines, and some of them are here:
- Biceps Curls
- Triceps Pull down
- Chest Press
- Lat Pull down
- Overhead Press
- Bent Rowing
- Deltoid Raises
- Triceps Cable Push down
- Dead lift
- Hip Abduction
- One-Legged Press
- Resisted Crunch
They are providing a detailed guide about how to use the machine and how you can train your different muscles with the help of Bullworker, so you don’t have to worry about anything. They got you covered. To get all the features you have to buy the original Bullworker from Amazon.
Here we are at the end of the Bullworker Review, both the models of Bullworker are great pieces of exercise machine for every type of user of any age and group, anyone can use it without facing any kind of problem.
The best part of the Bullworker is that it doesn’t create any tension on your joints that makes it the best choice for people who have joint pain issues and you will get results faster than any other machine.
Bullworker doesn’t take much space in-store, you can store it anywhere. And if you don’t feel good with the Bullworker you can get your money back under the 90-day money-back guarantee.
If you ask us whether to buy this or not, then we will say, if you want fast results, in your home comfort and don’t want to spend hundreds of DOLLARS on Gym Memberships and on your GAS to travel to your gym.
Then you should go for it, it is a one-time investment, all you need to do is to take 30 minutes to do the workout with this machine and you are good to go and you will get more time in focusing on other important things. And you know what is the Bullworker 20 vs 36 between the two models and now you can buy according to your needs.
If you have any questions regarding the Bullworker Review, then you can comment below, we are happy to help you.
Is a Bullworker effective?
Yes, it is, from a 20-minute workout you will get three times faster results in getting better strength, endurance, agility.
Who invented the Bullworker?
Bullworker is a company that made exercise machines that uses the Isometric movements, this design is invented and patented by German inventor Gert F. Kölbel.
Can you lose weight with isometrics?
Yes, it is, from a 20-minute workout you will get three times faster results in getting better strength, endurance, agility.
Does isometrics really work?
It works, you can read all the studies that confirm that Isometric exercises are far better than the traditional exercises that we do with the weights.
Can you build muscle mass with isometrics?
Yes, you can, there are hundreds of researches that prove that Isometric exercises can do a lot more muscle-building then lifting heavy weights does.
Also read:
What Is Wrong with the Bullworker Exercise Chart?
The Bullworker exercise chart has been around since the 1960s and they’re still promoting the same workout from back then.
Now, more than 50 years have gone by and there have been many breakthroughs in exercise physiology. Unfortunately, if you were to buy the Bullworker chart you would not be able to take advantage of these breakthroughs in muscle building!
Principle such as muscle confusion, super-sets, circuit training, etc. are just not part of the exercise protocol of the Bullworker exercise chart.
Keep reading this article and you will discover how to avoid potentially dangerous injuries by NOT following that outdated training protocol.
If you are looking for a free copy of the Bullworker exercise chart — please be warned. Following the workout routine as recommended in the Bullworker manual may lead to overtraining, muscle strain, tendon elbow pain and other possible injuries.

The major problem with following the old workout program is that it recommends that you train with isometrics on a daily basis.
Bullworker Elbow
Now, you may be thinking to yourself… “well hundreds of people have trained this way in the past.” And while that is true, many individuals have stopped their training because of tendon or elbow soreness.
Look, would you attempt to workout your chest muscles every day using isometrics and free weights? Well, if you know anything about exercise physiology you definitely would not train every day. Using free hand isometrics training every day is not a problem.
Exercise Chart For Burning Calories
[Old-time strongmen like Sandow used isometric exercise to build incredible strength.]
However, when you’re using resistance it’s a whole another story. In addition, using isometrics alone will only increase your strength and will not do anything to increase muscle size or mass. For that you need to do isotonic training (Isotonics is exercising through a full range of motion using repetitions.)
In addition, the old program does not take advantage of using supersets, muscle confusion, or any of the exercise protocols that are used by strength and conditioning coaches today.
You see the problem with the old Bullworker exercise chart is that it was created in the 1970s. Since then, there have been major breakthroughs in training and conditioning.
So while the old workout chart may show you the exercises — you should not use that training protocol.
CLICK HERE and learn more about the >>>Bullworker Alternative Bully Xtreme
CLICK HERE to learn more about the Bully Xtreme wall chart and training program >>> Bullworker Wall Chart Alternative
Bullworker X5 Exercise Chart
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