- Behringer X-touch
- Behringer X Touch Compact Software Driver
Apr 29, 2021 On the Behringer X-Touch Compact and Midi2lr v (last version for Lightroom 6), it seems there is a false detection of the click of the upper second knob in layer A. Hardware: Behringer X-Touch compact. In this video we take a more in depth look at how the Rotary Encoders, Transport and Layer Buttons of the X-TOUCH COMPACT Universal USB/MIDI Controller inter. First, you will need to set your Behringer X-Touch to Mackie Control mode: Hold down the Channel 1 SELECT button and then turn on the unit’s power switch to enter the X-Touch configuration menu. Rotate encoder 1 to change the emulation mode between HUI or MC. Press encoder 1 to save the settings.
In this post, we will be providing you with some insight with this behringer x touch review. What is the Behringer X Touch? The Behringer X-Touch is a Control Surface/Daw Controller used to control things within your DAW. First, have you ever dreamed of actually touching faders while recording or mixing your songs? The Behringer X Touch is a control surface that allows you to control your DAW (Logic, Ableton and many others). The device is for studio owners who would like to control their DAW from a device rather then moving virtual faders. This is something that I have always dreamed of personally, and I know that there are many others just like me, who would like to do the same. If you are interested in buying this product, please purchase from our links in the blog, which help us bring great content to you, at no extra cost! Lets get to our Behringer X Touch review!
Faders on the X Touch
The faders on the X touch feel very well on the fingers. There are eight faders on the control surface plus one for the master. This makes nine faders total! Each one of these faders are motorized. This means that if you do automation within your daw, the faders will understand at what volume level the track is at, and will move accordingly! It is pretty spooky at first, but you will be amazed when you see it happen! There are tiny little motors inside the device which allow these faders to move. They do make a little noise, but it is not so much that the mics will pick it up when someone else is singing or playing within the microphones. This device makes mixing so much more hands on rather then looking at a screen, and watching what is happening. What happens when you have more then eight tracks though? There is fader bank on this device which allows you to switch the faders from 1-8 and 9-16, which is great because you can have a professional recording studio, and an ensemble of instruments all within this device. All of these faders can also be mapped to different things in your DAW, so you can use this DAW controller the way you want to! Each of the faders also include a small meter that tells you if the signal is clipping or if it is clear. You wont ever have to look at your screen and meters ever again!
Transport Controls

Along with faders, the Behringer X Touch also has transport controls, and many other buttons that control different things. The typical transport controls you will find on this control surface are, Rewind, Fast Forward, Stop, Play, and Record! There is also a scribble wheel which allows you to move ahead in the recording area of your DAW or go backwards (just like using the fast forward or rewind buttons). Along with transport controls, you will find |
How Easy is Automation?
Automation on this device is very easy! If you want to control automation with your faders, you choose a track and you press the touch button located underneath the automation section of your controller. You can now automate on your tracks, and if you move the faders, your DAW will recognize the motion, and register it in the program! Careful with those motor faders though, because they will also register the motion and probably spook you out on playback!

Rotary Encoders
The knobs located at the very top of the controllers are called rotary encoders. These are used to control plugins, or eq! It is midi though, and can be mapped to anywhere you wish! They can even control Panning on the tracks which is very important! If you would like to find out more on panning, you can visit our blog here! The rotary encoders also feel very nice on the fingers, and feature a lightup bar around them to tell you how far they are turned!
Behringer X-touch
Wiring Connections To The X-Touch?
The back of the unit has USB midi connections, two USB hubs for connecting anything you need, a MIDI in and MIDI Out, two slots for foot switches and an expression pedal port. There is also an AC plug, and a power button also in the back of the unit. Below is a picture of the connections in the back!
What else can this thing do?
If you are not happy with the x touch having only 8 faders, an X-Touch Extender is also available for purchase. The extender connects through midi into the device and is recognized by your DAW! Below is a picture of the extender!
Behringer X Touch – Behringer X-Touch Compact – Behringer X-Touch Mini
What are all of these devices?? These are all different versions of the X touch. The Behringer X touch is the most expensive, but offers the most features. The Behringer Compact is a little cheaper, and offers a little less then its older brother. The X Touch mini is for those who have a portable setup, and would like to move their setup elsewhere! Below are all of the products1
Along with any product, there are a few minor things that are worth mentioning. Many say that the motor faders are a little noisy when they move. They do make noise, but it is not loud enough to be picked up by a microphone while someone is singing. The noise is minimal, but it had to make some noise because the motors are moving inside. That being said, to be fair, there is noise, but its not devastating, and it only lasts for a few seconds.
The second thing that is worth mentioning is the scribble wheel or jog wheel. When you are using the jog wheel, it seems that the cursor on screen moves a little too fast, and so you really have to limit the motion with your fingers in getting it to the right position.
The third thing I would like to say is that judging by multiple reviews of others, this control surface does not work very well with ProTools! Pro Tools users would need to find another solution.
Overall (Behringer x touch review)

Behringer X Touch Compact Software Driver
For the price, and for the amount of features this thing offers, it is a beast! Every studio owner should experience hands on play, rather then keeping your hands on a mouse and controlling virtual faders the way you do. This helps productivity, and makes things around your workflow a lot faster, making it easier to be more productive. By saving time in little areas, you then have more time to be creative and recording! Your customers would also be happy because you will not be wasting their time. I recommend every studio owner, home recording or professional studio should have a daw controller or control surface just like this one. We hope you enjoyed our behringer x touch review!

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Do you have a control surface in your studio? Let us know which one you have and tell us if you enjoy it! Let us know about your opinion and maybe you can write a behringer x touch review!